
The Finger as a Sensor and Other Things That Are Of Utmost Importance!

Toyota did a study to find out why some equipment failed prematurely. They found that something like 80% of premature equipment failures could all be traced to three rather simple causes; causes that could have been prevented or remediated before they led to equipment breakdown. What were the three culprits?
a. Looseness
b. Improper Lubrication
c. Contamination

All three of these can be addressed by the vibration analyst during collection and analysis.

Looseness can be detected with a vibration analyzer. When you see looseness,  use your finger as a sensor and run it around the interfaces of the bearing pedestals, housings, and foundations. It is surprising how sensitive one can be to the phase difference of shaking parts that have become loose. See that it is remedied before it causes catastrophic failure.

Inadequate lubrication can be detected by Shock Pulse. If you are taking high-frequency acceleration readings it will cause a raised noise floor. This one is best avoided altogether by a well-planned and supported lubrication program. Often, by the time-poor lubrication is detected, a considerable amount of damage has already been done. An electric motor’s winding insulation breakdown rate is doubled for every 18° F rise over 165° F. This is why motor cooling fins are actually for cooling and not for holding dust, grime, or whatever. Contamination is an important condition to monitor via a manual input point for each machine area. Add it to your route. Report equipment covered in whatever foreign matter your plant has lots of so it can be properly cleaned before damage is created.

Focusing attention on the three areas above will definitely create value for your company.

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, , by Mike Fitch CRL