Precision Maintenance is one of the 15 foundational processes that is a must if you want to develop a complete maintenance system. Precision maintenance is the tasks that take place typically at commissioning or recommissioning to extend the life of an asset. Commissioning takes place at the initial startup of a newly installed asset or assets. Recommissioning is starting up an asset after it has been replaced or even worked on. The benefits of having a good series of Precision Maintenance Programs are a key to asset life extension, reduced energy consumption, reduced maintenance spend, and reduced unplanned downtime. Below are a few of the programs that should exist under the Precision Maintenance Process:
- Laser Alignment Program
- Balancing Program
- V-belt/Sheave Alignment Program
- Bearing Installation Program
- Torquing and Fasteners Program
- Defined Measurements Program
So, this begs the question, what is a program? A program is simply a plan of action to accomplish a specific end. In each one of the programs listed above, there should be a plan of action to accomplish the specific end of asset life extension and all the benefits that comes with it.
Developing Your Program
Things that should be included in your program are:
- Acquisition of the tools
- Training on those tools
- Procedures around the use and application of the tools
- A decision tree mapping what assets will these tools be applied
- A place to store your data file (hopefully, tied to your assets in the CMMS)
Download alignment and balancing procedures from LUDECA Knowledge Center.
Some basics tools needed for best-in-class precision maintenance would be laser alignment tools, balancing tools, bearing installation kits, bearing heaters, torque wrench, and torque screwdrivers, a pocket guide on torque specifications, V-belt laser alignment tools, calipers, chain wear gauges, etc. Training, standards, and procedures around doing work with precision should also complement these tools. A culture of precision work and asset life extension is the primary goal of the maintenance system. Your criticality analysis should drive what assets you decide to use precision maintenance on. In the end, if you take the time to set up this process properly and execute it, you will drive defects out of your system that would have led to premature failures. This is key to getting you out of the vicious cycle of reactive maintenance and leading you to a life of reliability.
Thanks, Joe Anderson with ReliabilityX for sharing your knowledge with us!
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Reliability by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL