
Belt & Chain Storage Best Practices

A few simple practices could help to prevent damage to your spare belts and chains:

  1. Label chains and belts by type, size, number, and date stored. Label shelves in accordance with in-house MRO guidelines.
  2. Maintain constant temperature and relative humidity. Store in a clean and dry environment to prevent ingress contamination. Keep belts out of sunlight and away from the ceiling.
  3. Use oldest first (FIFO: First in, first out). For Belts: Validate date of manufacture is within the past 2 years. For Chains: Date of purchase should be added.
  4. Keep all labels or stencil markings on the packaging. Keep chains in their protective wrappers and packaging until ready to use.
  5. Tag belts with a “dispose-by” sticker. Set for 5 years after the manufacturing date. Dispose of expired belts annually.
  6. If not packaged, lubricate chains frequently to prevent corrosion.
  7. Lay chains and belts on a flat surface (possible damage if hung). Flip periodically. Belts can be hung on a foam-noodle wrapped peg with the same radius as the sheave.
  8. If not packaged, DO NOT stack.
  9. Store chains in a vibration-free environment.

Visit our Knowledge Center and download our BELT & CHAIN STORAGE BEST PRACTICES Infographic. Perfect to print and hang in your storeroom!

Thank you to Eruditio LLC for their help with this blog/Infographic!

7 Belt Storage Tips for Better Equipment Performance and Long-Lasting Belt Life

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by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL