
Williamson Laser Alignment Training
The Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades’ Power Plant Technology Program recently obtained an OPTALIGN® tool, a high tech laser alignment system, from LUDECA, Inc, a company in Doral, FL, that specializes in predictive maintenance solutions. Don Meredith, of Precise Vibration and Alignment, Inc., spent a morning training power plant technology seniors and juniors in the use of the new system, which is used for turbine shaft alignment. The systems are important because good alignment helps turbines last longer.

John Beaudry, director of power plant technology, said, “We are really excited about this new laser alignment system. It will help us out tremendously in saving money and prolonging the lifespan of our turbines. Don’s training was the best introductory training session we have had yet. The students got a lot out of it. We are very excited to be developing a relationship with LUDECA, the company is known as the industry standard in laser alignment systems.”

Beaudry added that the system will be used in a shaft alignment course and will be an asset as more equipment is purchased for the Energy Island upgrade.

“This system will help us repair and maintain equipment in-house, such as the new turbines we will be purchasing. This will save us a lot of time and money and will provide good experience for our students.”

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by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL