
The HRSG User’s Group steering committee honored seven long-term participants in the organization’s activities as Steam Plant Mentors for their significant contributions over the years. Executive Director Rob Swanekamp explained while presenting a customized vest to each mentor,

Because the training at our conference so heavily relies on audience participation, these loyal attendees provide the real education to HRSG users.”

The mentors named are the following:
First row (l to r): Howard Moudy, National Electric Coil; Mike Hendrick, Conval Inc. Swanekamp is at the far right.
Second row: Craig Stephens, Denver City Energy Associates; Yogesh Patel, Tampa Electric Co; Jorgen Gertz, Puffer-Sweiven.
Third row: Daus Studenberg, LUDECA Inc; James Whitehorn, Maxim Group.

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by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL