Companies spend lots of money, time, and effort on systems to document what needs to be done, what should have been done, failures that occurred, etc. Unfortunately, these systems usually show and document the point of failure (F) and not the point of conception (P) for a problem. These are examples of downtime systems and are important for success.
Does your company invest in uptime systems and processes? What is an uptime system or process? These systems help your facility identify the point of conception (P) of a problem. This is very important because it means your facility has more time to mitigate a problem before it results in unwanted consequences (injury, downtime, increased costs, poor quality, less main profit, etc.)
Condition monitoring (CM), reliability efforts, proper planning, and scheduling, kitting, effective PMs, reliability-based engineering, etc., will reduce the amount of information that must be entered and tracked through the downtime systems that have been heavily invested in. The results can be extremely rewarding.
What uptime systems and processes does your facility utilize?
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Condition Monitoring, Maintenance Tips, Reliability by Trent Phillips CRL CMRP - Novelis