
Maintenance departments are often expected to collect data on critical equipment in a consistent manner in order to monitor the efficiency and maximize the life of such equipment. Doing this manually can pose safety or health hazards to those responsible for collecting the data. The solution is to install permanently mounted sensors with wiring directed to a termination/switch box.

There are several ways to permanently mount the sensor to the machinery,  but the most common are:

  • Adhesive: This consists of using a strong epoxy-like adhesive that will allow for a sturdy mounting. It is very critical that the two surfaces be thoroughly cleaned with a steel wire brush to remove any paint and/or corrosion that can compromise the integrity of the bond between the sensor and the machine.
  • Drilling and tapping: This consists of drilling a hole into the casing of the machine and then tapping the hole to the thread of the stud included with the sensor. This last method is the preferred method as it will guarantee a completely solid bond between the sensor and the machine

Switch Box Vibration Data Collection
For whichever of the above methods is chosen, cabling will have to be routed. It is important to route the cable through the conduit so that it is protected from harsh temperatures or exposure that can potentially cause damage. When possible, utilizing a cable trough will help keep the cabling organized and away from any of the rotating components of the machine. Labeling the cables will guarantee that the final wiring in the termination/switch box becomes a smooth process. Once the routing of the cable is completed, thanks to the labeling of the cables, the wiring to the termination/switch box becomes very simple.  Once the permanently mounted sensors are installed, the analyst in charge of the Condition Monitoring program can safely collect data with the help of a capable data collector such as the VibXpert® II. This will help the plant maintain a world-class reliability and maintenance program while ensuring the safety of its employees.

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, , by Mario Rostran CRL