
AuditWe all become instantly nervous when we get some type of notification from the IRS. Are we about to be audited? This is almost never a pleasurable experience to be looked forward to.

A Condition Monitoring (CM) technology and methods audit,  on the other hand,  can be very valuable. Have you considered having an outside source audit your vibration analysis program or other CM technologies? Management is usually aware of the cost of having this done but is not usually aware of the value it provides.

Having someone audit your vibration analysis program or other CM technology can save you multiple of its cost in return. If done correctly the audit process can be completed quickly and provide valuable results.  It can help you ensure that you are using your technologies to their fullest potential. It can be used as a training activity. You may not be aware of the analysis opportunities you have been missing and how the CM technology can be better applied to the specific needs of your facility.
Help management understand the value an audit could provide. You may be allowed to use this type of service to learn and move your vibration analysis program or CM technology to the next level. CM technology audits, unlike an audit from the IRS, can actually be quite pleasurable.

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by Trent Phillips