
There are many reasons why one would perform an uncoupled alignment. We could have a tight tolerance coupling that cannot be installed without getting the alignment of the shafts close. Or simply, we do not have the coupling available at the moment the alignment needs to happen. Uncoupled alignments are performed using the same 5-step alignment procedure as you would use for coupled alignments. However, there are three differences: how the measurements are taken, how live adjustments are made and how soft foot is checked. Below are some easy-to-follow instructions on how to tackle measurements, live adjustments, and soft foot with Easy-Laser shaft alignment tools:

Alignment Measurement:

  1. Attach measurement unit and brackets to each shaft.
  2. Place the S laser on the stationary machine’s shaft and M laser on the movable machine’s shaft.
  3. Make sure the lasers are at the 12 o’clock position using the lasers’ digital display and the same angle for both S and M lasers are displayed (worst case within 1 degree).
  4. Select the Multipoint measure mode, and take your first point.
  5. Rotate each shaft to the next measurement position of your choosing, making sure the digital display shows the same angle on both S and M lasers (within 1 degree) and take the next point.
  6. Repeat step 5 until the quality of your measurement is above 90%.
  7. Take a second set of measurements to ensure repeatability.

Live Adjustments:

  1. Horizontal live adjustment – rotate the lasers to either the 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock position, making sure the lasers’ digital display shows the same angle for both S and M lasers (within 1 degree).
  2. Vertical it is simply a matter of adding or removing shims. However, to perform a vertical live adjustment rotate the lasers to the 12 o’clock position ensuring the lasers’ digital display shows the same angle for both S and M lasers (within 1 degree).
  3. Go on to the live adjustment screen and perform moves as if the machines were coupled.

Soft Foot Measurement:

  1. After the final alignment measurement, return the lasers to the 12 o’clock position again, ensuring the lasers’ digital display shows the same angle for both S and M laser (within 1 degree).
  2. Access the soft foot measurement screen and check the soft foot as if the machines were coupled.

Measuring uncoupled misalignment with Easy-Laser shaft alignment tool


Watch our 5-Step Shaft Alignment Procedure motion graphic video which outlines an easy and effective way to align your rotating equipment.

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by Carlos Bienes CRL