
Exhaust fan
Photo courtesy of Martek Biosciences

Problem: Exhaust fans
The exhaust fans at two of our process buildings kept having the same common faults (failed bearings, failed motors, and running hot.). We spent over $4, 400.00 on one fan from 2008 to 2010 and over $5, 600.00 on the other fan on parts alone.

Solution: Purchased an OPTALIGN® SMART EX laser alignment system
In July 2010, we received our new OPTALIGN SMART EX and had LUDECA come in and give us an introduction introductory training course. After a few trials on using the laser alignment tool on a motor and pump that we set up in the shop, we were ready to take it out in the field. We went and set the tool up on our two exhaust fans and found out there were way out of alignment. After a few tries, we had smiley faces on both machines in the horizontal and vertical directions. Since the alignment, we haven’t had any more problems with either fan. The OPTALIGN SMART EX is very user-friendly and well worth the money.

Now we have incorporated the OPTALIGN SMART into to our PM program to check the alignment on all rotating equipment as they come up for a PM. In the last few months we have been using it, we are getting good feedback from the maintenance department on how easy it is to use and how much time is saved, instead of doing it the old way (dial indicators). —Bryan Brown, PM Technician with MARTEK Biosciences in Kingstree, SC.

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, by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL