The Easy-Laser E970 laser roll alignment system is a well-established product proven to be effective in many parallel roll alignment applications such as in printing presses, steel, aluminum, and paper mills. We recently completed a roll alignment at a stainless steel roll slitting facility.
Setting the system up was fast and easy, from establishing a reference roll to creating new benchmarks. Rolls were measured for both level and skew.
Corrections were done on-site with live monitoring. The system was able to accurately measure traditionally challenging rolls with unusual surfaces, including rewinder rolls and non-magnetic rolls, such as the guide roll with a rubber surface.
The asset owner requested that the slitters and guides be checked and asked whether that was possible. The versatility of this system allowed for such an operation. By profiling the laser to a reference roll, the slitters were checked for alignment and the required adjustments were made.
The job was scoped for two days, yet the entire job with slitter alignment was completed in less than one day. This provided the time to complete a roll alignment on an entirely separate finishing operation.
The proof of good parallel roll alignment lies in the results, after running the machine: the laser aligned rolls produce consistent material thicknesses to tolerance, thereby saving tens of thousands of dollars of potentially wasted money in scrap product, not to mention if a roll had to be scrapped for this process. The E970 is an accurate performer whose versatility is straightforward by all measures™
Filed under:
Alignment, Articles and Case Studies, Reliability by Daus Studenberg CRL