Ultrasound IQ

Test your knowledge with our 5-question multiple choice quiz - and maybe learn some new things along the way. You can try it as often as you’d like.

Created on By Rick Potratz

Ultrasound IQ Part One

1 / 6

Ultrasound detectors sense high-frequency sound pressure waves traveling through

2 / 6

If, by adding lubricant to a bearing, you manage to reduce the ultrasonic decibel level by 25 DbµV, have you solved the lubrication issue?

3 / 6

An ultrasound detector can determine the difference between a nitrogen gas leak and a compressed air leak.

4 / 6

Crest Factor is one of the four condition indicators (4CI) useful for assessing bearing defects. It is calculated as:

5 / 6

Question 59

6 / 6

Which of the following methods are prescribed as useful for testing the working condition of steam traps?

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The average score is 66%


Created on By Rick Potratz

Ultrasound IQ Part Two

1 / 5

Can ultrasound detection be used to detect Laminar Flow?

2 / 5

Compare two bearings without defects; one is a deep groove ball bearing and the second is a tapered roller bearing. Both are properly lubricated, they have the same bore diameter, are rotating at the same speed under similar load. These bearings will have completely different sound characteristics as well as different ultrasound amplitudes.

3 / 5

Fact: An ultrasound measurement increase of 6dB indicates a doubling in amplitude of the previous signal. If two sounds, each with amplitude of 16dB were perfectly blended together, what would be the amplitude of that new sound?

4 / 5

Tracking does not produce heat detectable by normal IR cameras. Is tracking detectable with any normal IR camera or would ultrasound be better?

5 / 5

What is the largest element in the cost of owning and operating an air compressor?

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The average score is 50%


Created on By Rick Potratz

Ultrasound IQ Part Three

1 / 5

Is it possible to detect misalignment and lubrication problems in a coupling?

2 / 5

Can ultrasound be used for finding vacuum leaks?

3 / 5

35dB is

4 / 5

Ultrasound can be used to detect the following electrical faults:

5 / 5

Impacts in a bearing can be identified as intermittent

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The average score is 63%
