
As Published by BIC Magazine December 2012/January 2013 issue

LUDECA has unveiled a new logo,  slogan and mission statement backed by the same fundamental values on which the company was built.

“Our new slogan — ‘Keep It Running’ — is indicative of what our condition monitoring solutions are committed to doing,  which is keeping U.S. manufacturing running and productive. It is what we have been doing all these years, and it was time to put it in writing.” — Frank Seidenthal, president, LUDECA Inc.

What began in the 1950s as a company in Nicaragua has since expanded to the United States and outgrown its smaller stature. LUDECA Inc. branched out with U.S. operations in Miami in 1979 with only three employees selling a pre-programmed dial indicator system at a time when the Internet and computers were virtually nonexistent within the maintenance arena.

“Everywhere you turn now, the access to information is tremendous,” Seidenthal said. “Along with all of this technology, our product range has also expanded extensively to include not just shaft alignment but geometric tools, portable and online vibration analysis solutions, and balancing tools.”
To accommodate the growth during the last few years, the company moved to a state-of-the-art facility in Doral, Fla., and grew employment by an additional 15 percent in 2012 alone. Additionally, LUDECA now has field offices in several locations throughout the United States. In light of the growth, the team at LUDECA has unveiled a new logo, slogan, and mission statement backed by the same fundamental values on which the company was built.

“We wanted a look and feel that was fresh and modern to reflect our growth and core company focus,” Seidenthal explained. “Not only do we sell state-of-the-art cutting-edge products but we also improve our customers’ equipment reliability. We created a mission statement to emphasize this priority to both our employees and our customers that, at LUDECA, we maintain a high standard of ethics, service, and customer support by always striving to exceed customer expectations. The proof is in our growth and high rate of repeat business.”

The company’s new mission statement reads “LUDECA’s goal is to be the premier provider of reliability solutions and technologies to industry. Our years of experience and wealth of knowledge make it possible to offer the very best service and support to our customers. We are, and seek to remain, the leading suppliers of laser shaft alignment and geometric systems, laser sheave alignment tools, and vibration and condition monitoring systems to the industry. LUDECA’s commitment to our customers strengthens our reputation as the very best in our fields, thereby creating and maintaining long-term customer partnerships.”

“We view our employees as our greatest asset,” Seidenthal said. “And in line with taking care of our customers, we take very good care of our employees and invest heavily in our staff to ensure they are always up to the challenge. They are our front-line personnel, and it is extremely important they are able to fulfill the needs and requirements of our customers.”

“In turn, our customers are our No. 1 priority, and they understand we will take care of them. We want to make an emotional connection with our clients. It isn’t just the product purchase. We are here for anything they need after the purchase.”

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, by Ana Maria Delgado, CRL